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How To Function When You’re Completely Exhausted

How To Function When You’re Completely Exhausted
Carly Jacobs

I think maybe the internet is killing us a little. For example the ability to binge watch television has ruined the routines of millions of Australians. Gone are the days when you’d watch the latest episode of your favourite show, tuck yourself into bed and patiently wait for next weeks instalment. We all now have the ability to watch whole series of shows in one sitting which is an excellent mix of hideously unhealthy and completely awesome. Modern conveniences have also ruined us – we’re able to communicate and be entertained 24/7 and some of us (me included) aren’t very good at switching off and resting which means that lots of us simply aren’t getting enough sleep.

Aside from actually getting more sleep, here are a few sneaky tips to get you through the day after an evening of binge watching Game of Thrones and then subsequently not sleeping because dragons are awesome.

Close up of two white coffee mug with diy decoration.

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Don’t go mental with a tiredness induced food binge

If you overeat, it’s only going to make you more tired. You know how on Christmas day you end up having like 3 naps? Digestion slows the body down which means that if you stuff your face full of food it’s only going make you feel like you’re walking through sludgy mud. Eat good, nourishing food in sensible quantities and don’t you dare go eating chocolate or sugar. A sugar crash will make you feel SUPER rubbish on a day when you’re already feeling gross.

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Go on as many walks as you can manage

To the post office, a local café, the photocopier, a mate’s house, the shops. Any time you can move your body, do it. Getting your blood flowing will give you a little burst of energy and will make the day way less painful. You also can’t fall asleep while standing up so capitalise on that if you’re having a struggle keeping your eyes open at your desk.

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Go hard on the caffeine

Not like crazy hard but you can afford to have an extra coffee or a cheeky soft drink. In extreme emergencies a sugar-free (to avoid that horrible sugar crash)  energy drink can do wonders to get you through an afternoon meeting but don’t make a habit of it. That stuff is pretty nasty and should be used in dire circumstances only… like final episodes of Boardwalk Empire or famous people fighting on Twitter.

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Have a nap in the sun

I know not everyone has the luxury of being able to sneak off for a quick nap in the middle of the day but if you have the option, do it. If you drive a car to work, that’s an ideal location for a cheeky little nap. Parks and park benches are also great and if your building has an empty office, then take advantage of that. I’d avoid napping anywhere near your own office though, especially on your desk as it looks really unprofessional. Any where else though is fair game!

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Learn from your mistakes

Go to bed early tonight. Two (or more) days in a row of trying to function on just a few hours sleep is going to majorly destroy your week. Back away from the television, put down the Xbox controller and get some damn sleep.

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Do you struggle with good sleeping habits? What’s the kryptonite to your sleep? Trivia at the pub? Back to back episodes of House of Cards? General dicking around on your phone at night?


  1. Christine 10 years ago

    Yep, you got it – watching TV series on the laptop. Once I’m all caught up, it is agonising waiting for someone to upload the next ep. US shows all seem to be on their break atm, so then I have to hop over to YouTube to watch all my fave bands from back in the day. Takes me back to my youth. I remember staying out till all hours then bouncing out of bed, no problem. I did often nearly fall asleep in dictation though – my boss was very long-winded. If you don’t know what dictation is – ask your mum. x

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      I’ve heard of dictation… Is it like shorthand note taking kind of thing? I feel like such a princess when I have to wait like 15 minutes for an episode to download. We’re so spoiled.

  2. Tahlia Meredith 10 years ago

    Oh I need this today -_- TV for me for sure! Although in my defence we’re getting up at 5am these days (I know, super ew) so anything after 9pm has become a ‘late night’ in my house. (Although on the upside, on non-tired days I can get heaps done before going to work!)

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      I’ve started stretching my 5.30am rise times to 6.30… it’s so cold! But I agree anything past maybe 11pm at THE VERY LATEST is like ‘Whoa! Dude! I’ve totally ruined everything now.’

  3. This was me yesterday! I actually feel like I’m coming down with something, so yesterday I got out of the office as many times as possible, ate really well and had an early night (and late morning this morning). It made such a difference – I feel quite good today. Retail therapy also helps…!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      Oh good girl! Yes retail therapy is THE BEST! I tend to do most of my retail therapy online though… sort defeats the purpose.

  4. Nic 10 years ago

    Oh you could have been writing about me! Not so great at switching off, particularly since my bedroom is generally freezing and unappealing in winter. With you 100% on walks and caffeine, and early dinner and bedtime that evening! I think sometimes I use this ‘strategy’ as an avoidance technique, but it usually ends in tears… 😉

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      My bedroom is really toasty BUT it was a (frosted) glass door which means that I have to sleep with an eyemask because the sun, light and moon shines in. Not ideal. But at least its warm! Get yourself a heater stat!

  5. blahblahmagazine 10 years ago

    So, I went too hard on coffee for too long, because I was tired and love coffee in an inappropriate way. Now, I restrict myself to one cup a day and do the green tea thing the rest of the time and when I really need a kick up the proverbial I drink matcha green tea. It tastes disgusting, but oddly it’s growing on me, which is appropriate because it tastes like liquid grass clippings. But it is perky x

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      I actually just bought macca powder for my smoothies… are they related do you think? I quite like a green tea once my cousin taught me to make it properly and not burn it!

  6. CC 10 years ago

    HoC nearly killed us, addictive, both seasons in a week plus weekend in amongst one million other family and work commitments, same with Breaking Bad. I had my mother over for dinner one night, provided dinner then I put on headphones and sat on couch with iPad determined to catch up to hubster while she watched Masterchef or something. I did get yelled at by her for swearing at mad Walt. My kids were rapt to see her berate me.
    As for sleep, absolute no no any electronics, bed is just for sleep and sex.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      I just did it again tonight with the rad show called Top of the Lake from New Zealand. I’m a freaking idiot. At least I’ve a good book at the moment so I read that when I go to bed.

  7. Liz @ I Spy Plum Pie 10 years ago

    Now that I have an apartment all to myself I’ve made a rule that the laptop doesn’t come to the bedroom unless I’m in bed sick – so it’s almost a technology free zone (I do read books on my iPad). It’s made it easier to actually sleep when I go to bed, which is helpful, although it doesn’t completely stop late-night tv show binges!
    When I’m tired I find drinking lots of water helps, particularly if it’s icy cold water as it seems to shock my body into being alert! Plus, the added benefit is it facilitates lots of walking to the kitchen and the bathroom!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      Yes! Drinking lots of water is vital especially because you keep needing to go to the toilet! I try hard to make my room a completely techno free zone, I’m actually going to get an old fashioned alarm clock so I don’t even take my phone to bed. I’m going to do it! 🙂

  8. Jan Hamilton 10 years ago

    Hi, I actually went techno free in the bedroom 2 years ago, and this year decided that bed was only to sleep in( ? ! ). I now read in my very,very comfy chair and only enter bedroom when my eyes tell me they want to go byes (family phrase). Seems weird but I feel differently about my bed now, relax totally and never have trouble getting to sleep

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      That’s really interesting to hear! I’m slowly getting into that habit – books only, no screens. I’ve just ordered an alarm clock so I don’t need my phone by my bed anymore. I’ll definitely be giving this one some more thought.

  9. Mystery Case 9 years ago

    I’ve been wearing a fitness band to track sleep for a little while now. The first few days, it quietly prompted me that I might need to remember to turn the thing on. I was. It only took another day before the you have sleep issues messages started. I’m averaging 3 to 4 hours a night. The worst night this week was 1 hour 23 minutes. Coffee only makes things worse.


  1. […] watched an entire season in one evening. I got so addicted that I ended up writing a post called How to Function When You’re Completely Exhausted because I had stayed up until 1am the night before so I could finish it. Tatiana Maslany plays the […]

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