Be your best self.

The Awesome Source: English Dramas, Perfect Steaks and a Weight Loss Break Through

The Awesome Source: English Dramas, Perfect Steaks and a Weight Loss Break Through
Carly Jacobs

y aunty once told me about her old boss and the unusual gift registry she had on her 50th birthday. She asked each of her friends to give her what they were currently into for a birthday present. For example a book they’d recently read, a TV series they were addicted to, a CD of their favourite songs, a voucher to a great new restaurant they’d discovered. It was such a great way to get to know her friends again and to discover new things she wouldn’t have known about otherwise.

It inspired me to start a segment of reader recommendations called The Awesome Source. I often run surveys to get more information on the Smagglets, like how old you are or if you have kids or not, but I also want to know what your obsessions are. So each month, I’m going to ask you for your top 3 recommendations from that month. It can be anything; a vegetable that’s been a staple in your weeknight dinners, a new workout that you’re loving or a fabulous app that’s changed your life. I’d love to hear about it!

Here are my top picks for July 2014

Orphan Black

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This is one of the most outstanding television shows I’ve ever seen. One of my mates kept hounding me to watch it so Mr Smaggle and I sat down and binge watched an entire season in one evening. I got so addicted that I ended up writing a post called How to Function When You’re Completely Exhausted because I had stayed up until 1am the night before so I could finish it. Tatiana Maslany plays the lead(s) and her performance is extraordinary… and that’s pretty much all I can say without ruining it a little bit. It’s a brilliant thriller, mystery, drama and comedy mish-mash that’s dead easy to watch, extremely enjoyable and very, very addictive. Highly recommended.

Sous Vide

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 It’s basically a water bath for cooking food in, which sounds super gross but it’s not, I promise. Mr Smaggle has been obsessed with Sous Vide machines for years and I thought they were a bit gimmicky and weird. They’re also worth about $800 so they were definitely placed in the too expensive category for us. About a month ago Sous Vides went on sale at David Jones for $200 and Mr Smaggle snapped one up and it’s one of the best things we’ve ever bought. We buy bulk packs of meat at CostCo, vacuum seal and freeze them. We then pop a steak or a piece of chicken in the Sous Vide at around 5pm and then come dinner time we have a beautifully cooked piece of meat to serve with veggies. We’ve also done curries and poached eggs in it. It’s basically just awesome and it saves us heaps of time and money. It’s certainly a luxury item but one that we absolutely do not regret buying.

Heart Rate Training

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I used to be the type of person that would exercise only for weight loss (which is the fastest way to teach yourself to hate exercise) but in the last few years I’ve been seriously addicted to the way it makes me feel and I honestly can’t function mentally or physically unless I’ve done at least 3 or 4 proper work out sessions per week. Mr Smaggle has developed a fat loss heart rate training program for me and I love it. My old faithful heart rate monitor bit the dust recently so I replaced it with a Mio Link from Amazon which has a great app that can help you find your target fat burning heart rate zone. The Mio Link uses a LED light to measure your heart rate and syncs straight to your smartphone so you don’t need to mess around with chest straps. It’s fantastic having proper data to track my running progress and I’m seeing amazing results, I just keep getting stronger and faster with every run. Although I’ve only lost around 1 or 2 kilos since starting the program a few weeks ago I’m feeling a lot leaner and my clothes just keep getting baggier. Major win.

Sezar Resturant

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Melbourne Bonus: I went to Sezar about a month ago and it was absolutely delicious. It was a touch on the expensive side about $60 per head (we usually do about $20 to $30 per head) but worth every cent. We ordered the banquet for three and they were so lovely and made gluten free versions of everything for Mr Smaggle. The wine was also reasonably priced and we walked out feeling very satisfied. Definitely give this place a go if you’re in Melbourne, I’ll be taking my parents there next time they’re in town.

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Tell me… what are your top 3 recommendations from July? A product? A restaurant? A television show? What made July rock for you?


  1. Rachel Ann 10 years ago

    I love this series.
    1. Kona Coffee Cookies from Trader Joe’s. Do you have Trader Joe’s in Australia? It’s pretty much my favorite place to shop and I bought a box of their Coffee cookies on a whim and am in love. I think I finished the box in two days.
    2.The new Black Widow comics (The Finely Woven Thread). I’ve been meaning to check these out for a while, so I was super pumped when I found a full volume (6 issues) at the comic book store this weekend. It’s pretty just Natasha and Maria Hill kicking ass all over the world when they don’t need Black Widow for Avengers stuff. If you like the Marvel movies, especially if you liked the most recent Captain America movie, I’d highly recommend this series. I think you can even find it digitally.
    3. Yoga. I took a week off earlier this month because I was feeling meh, but I shouldn’t have. The studio I go to is a 10 minute walk from my apartment and I always feel so great afterwards (and a little sweaty-gross, but mostly great).

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      I don’t think we do have Trader Joe’s but we might have boxes of their cookies at selected supermarkets. I’ll keep an eye out for those ones! You know a close friend of mine is really into comics (he actually writes his own!) and he has a few he’s recommended, these sound great. And also – yoga is awesome. I went on a retreat earlier this year and it CHANGED MY LIFE. Amazing.

  2. Chorizo lover 10 years ago

    First off, goat meat. Goat chorizo, leaner and milder than pork/beef numbers…which leads me to getting out to the country. I rediscovered Kyneton, esp Kyneton Market, where I found the goat meat. Brilliant. What an awesome town. I have been a dedicated Daylesford-Hepburn Springs winter holidayer but now I will share my time throughout the region.
    Third thing, PT. I hate looking like a beetroot at the end, but what an investment to get someone to push you to do stuff you hate/couldn’t do in the past and then get stretched at the end. Hello Dave my PT, love you and hate you at the same time!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      Holy shit I love chorizo! I haven’t been to Kyneton but Mr Smags and I are always looking for places to go in the country will add that to my list. And I totally hear you on personal training. When I get just a LITTLE bit more disposable income, I’m getting a PT. When I’m really, really super rich, I’m getting one every morning.

  3. I’m so stoked because my gym has opened up a branch that’s a 5-ish minute brisk walk from my office – so hello lunchtime workouts! I’ve just started going there this week but I already love it. I’m thinking I want to try and do that 3 days a week.
    As for the stuff I’m loving this month…
    1. Coconut Oil – completely obsessed with this stuff. I’m currently using it as a lip balm and body lotion but I know there are a gazillion other ways it can also be used.
    2. Bing Boy – I’ve only just recently tried Bing Boy but now I’m HOOKED! Gotta limit it to one lunch per week.
    3. Fiano – a great white wine for winter that Mr Styling and I can both agree on. Our fave is from Oliver’s Taranga in McLaren Vale, SA (where we got engaged actually).

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      I only have crap gyms near me that are kind of a pain to get to. The closest one is a 20 minute walk which is too far to go to exercise. I can’t drive there either because I live in a city-ish area and getting a car park is a nightmare. I’ll stick to my treadmill at home for the time being!
      I haven’t tried Bing Boy but we’ve got one in the new emporium in Melbourne – must try! And I hear you on the coconut oil. I love that stuff. Amazing for hair as well. I’m not a huge white wine fan but if it’s winter friendly I’m in! 🙂

  4. Nellie 10 years ago

    One of my favourite regular posts Lady Smags;)

    For me this month:

    1. Spotify radio singer/songwriter…seriously the best mix of alternative new and old cruisy beautiful tunes. Think Lumineers, James taylor, Ben Harper, Cat Stevens…unreal.

    2. Sally Hanson Gel nail polish…at home! No lights, just polish and gel top coat and hey presto salon worthy nails. I have 480 Winter Wine and it is the perfect Uma Thurman Pulp Fiction nail.

    3. Lindt sea salt dark chic. Love it so hard.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      Oh I love Spotify! I cheated on Spotify recently with Pandora but it was a huge mistake. I was playing a Les Mis station and Let it Go from Frozen came up. NOT COOL! I’ve been loving Sally Hansen gel polish – it lasts for a full week! I’m totally in love with it! And I always love sea salt lindt. Best ever. Great recs this month love!

    • Nicole (@dorkabrain) 10 years ago

      Thanks for the heads up about the Sally Hansen gel polishes. I’ve been eying those in Target the last few visits, but hesitant because the no light gel polish are often all gimmick, no delivery. Nice to hear one that works.

  5. I’ve heard a lot about Orphan Black. I watched an episode but it didn’t grab me but I’ve got strangely specific taste for television (and obsessive). 😛

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      Oh it’s SO GOOD! Power through, we have similar tastes. You’ll grow to love it I’m sure!

  6. Ani 10 years ago

    My list are essentials for me.

    1. After years of too much stress I am trying to learn to relax again.
    2.Increasing the amount of exercise I do, essentail for good health.
    3. Two of my teens are going on a mission trip to Vanuatu and we are raising money to assist this.


    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      Oh I love that! Good luck with the fundraising!

  7. Bek 10 years ago

    Ok, now I want a sous vides. Since we’re talking about kitchen appliances I should also tell you I’m obsessed with my vitamix. My brother bought me one as a present and I use it daily. It makes smoothies so smooth! No chunks up the straw, which is my pet hate. I’m also obsessed with girls with green hair, Khloe Kardashian (I’m not even ashamed, she is ghetto fabulous), Hozier’s track ‘Take Me To Church’, oven bags (I bake salmon in there with equal parts soy sauce and maple syrup and it is amazing), and I recently got Lazer hair removal and it changed my world. This is after being chicken for years to go and do it. X

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      Obsessed with girls with green hair??? You MUST follow my mate @femmeasfuck on instagram. She’s a total land mermaid you’ll love her. OVEN BAGS??? I shall definitely be trying this. Is lazer hair removal expensive?

      • Bek 10 years ago

        Laser hair removal is surprisingly not that expensive – at least not long term. I got my moustache, underarms + bikini done and she said I’d need to come back 8-10 times over the next year, at about $50 a pop. So that’s potentially $500 I’m going to spend, but then never again (or very rarely) after that. It’s worth it for me, because I always notice I have sprouted a moustache when I’m in the car about to go somewhere and I don’t have tweezers or wax. I blame my Maltese heritage.

      • Bek 10 years ago

        Oh also, I’m now obsessed with your friend @femmeasfuck.

  8. Victoria Devine 10 years ago

    My favourite of your posts!
    I’m going to give Orphan Black a go, I’ve just binge watched 4 seasons of real housewives so ready for something a little more….intelligent!
    1. I tried No lights, No lycra last night for the first time. You pay $5 to go into a room, the lights go out, music comes on and everyone dances for an hour. Non judgy awesomeness!!!!!
    2. Snickers ice creams, I could easily eat a whole box!
    3. Glass house candles. I just love lighting one when I’ve finished my housework and making the entire house smell insanely wonderful

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      It’s so good I cannot recommend it highly enough! I’ve been to try no lights no lycra… I’ve got a class just down the road from me. I love scented candles… I actually have a bit of an addiction!

  9. Kate 10 years ago

    I love good basics when it come to clothes and yesterday I discovered Uni Qlo! Wow. New cardi, jeans, chinos and black shirt dress = $175.
    I want to design my own magnum at that magnum bar in the emporium – I am just worried that the romance of the idea sounds much nicer than the reality – which might be sickly sweet – so this has been a dream obsession to date but I’ll keep you posted!
    My third thing was reading Tim Costello’s book called Hope. It’s a super easy read but it left me thinking and reflecting and inspired.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      Uniqlo is the BEST!!! I find some of the cuts are bit slim for me but it’s practically the only place where Mr Smaggle can shop – the clothes are made for him. I’m a Muji gal myself – it’s right next door! I’ve been wanting to visit the Magnum bar but I totally know what you mean, it looks really sickly sweet! I love ice cream but even having a regular magnum is a big calorie spend for me.

  10. Simone 10 years ago

    1. Paleo Pure muesli. So good.
    2. Joan as Police Woman’s new album, The Classic.
    3. These gorgeous prints of colour spheres from Curious Grace. Don’t have yet but have put it on the birthday list!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      Excellent. Mr Smaggle literally just looked over my shoulder and was like ‘I want that.’ Christmas sorted. Thank you!

  11. Cate 10 years ago

    Great idea for a post! My three things are:
    1. Cranberry juice with vodka and mineral water. Where have you been all my life? I hate sweet drinks and this is perfect!
    2. Gossip girl, I’m watching the series all over again on Netflix. So self indulgent
    3. Bike riding. The weather is perfect in Leipzig for bike riding, the roads are flat and you don’t need a helmet!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      I love vodka when I’m trying to watch my weight althought at the moment I’m doing Dry July so it’s pretty easy! I never got into Gossip Girl – I started on Netflix but then just found myself tuning out… which is weird because it really should have been one of my favourites I suspect!

  12. emmabovary 10 years ago

    My three things are:
    1- Cadbury’s new Picnic block – for a household that doesn’t ‘do chocolate’, we sure have gone through a few of these bad boys and I don’t even regret the overload. Delicious!
    2- the general idea of tv series watching with significant other – at the moment we are going through a South Park phase (yes, South Park, chosen by Mister and so crass but I’m finding it hilarious) but anytime we get hooked on a tv show it’s a nice little connection, a ritual for before bed and I adore it.
    3- the library. Even though my shelves are overflowing and I still have yet to unpack the boxes upon boxes of books I have in my spare bedroom wardrobes, I have been digging a monthly trip to the library to nab some new releases and keep up with new authors. At the moment I don’t have the cash to splash on new books all the time (weddings are so expensive ><) so this way is much better for us, and gives me an afternoon of free entertainment on the day, too.

    Loving these posts so much 🙂

  13. Author
    Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

    I can’t have the Picnic blocks because Mr Smags is gluten free! Damn! Will have to try it another time! South Park is great – we often have it on in the background. Oh YES THE LIBRARY! I go there all the time – I read old magazines and get books for bedtime. It’s the actual best.

  14. Dr Na 10 years ago

    Feeling a bit blergh today so it’s hard to remember what I like but here goes!
    1. Tubing mascara (I just got one from Becca). No more panda eyes!
    2. Lynne Shelton. Great indie director from the states. We just watched Touchy Feely and Hump Day this month and they were both really funny and strangely moving.
    3. There’s a track on the Kings of Leon album Mechanical Bull, called ‘Temple’, that sounds like it’s straight out of the 90s. Guitar solos, poppy drums, dancy tempo. I ? it.
    4. Cascade Lager. Can’t get it on the mainland. Tasmanians call them Blueys. Pretty much the best beer ever.
    5. EF Benson’s “Mapp and Lucia”. Hilarious.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      I’ve been meaning to try tubing mascara for years, must get onto that. I’ve heard the Kevin Aucain one is awesome. I sure we we can’t get cascade lager here? I swore we could get it… although I’m a bit stupid may not realise that lager is something different than regular beer.

  15. Dr Na 10 years ago

    Just realized that’s 5 things. You can tell the head cold is doing wonders for me. 😛

  16. Kassandra 10 years ago

    I am soooo jealous of the sous vide, I want one sooo bad. Hestons, Heston at Home cook book has an amazing section full of sous vide recipes.

    Its such a fun exercise to think about the month past and what you have fallen in love with. for me…

    1. Monocle magazine has been my monthly buy lately, and also monocle radio is now what gets put on first thing in the morning.

    2. Chocolate covered coffee beans… I go through cycles of being addicted to those.

    3. Caro Emerald, her album: Deleted Scenese from the cutting Room Floor has been played the most this month 🙂

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      Oh my lord! I have SUCH a love hate relationship with Heston but Mr Smags loves him. I’m going to get that book for him! Thanks! Your suggestions are freaking awesome. I love Monocle have been reading for years and choc coffee beans are something that I LOVE but I’m a bit lazy about buying them. They’re totally on my radar now.

  17. Caz 10 years ago

    Well it’s summer in Canada so I’ll try not to rub it in too much. But most of my current loves are seasonal.

    1. its tomato season! I seriously wait all year for fabulous summer tomatoes. I refuse to buy them in the winter but will resort to cherry toms if absolutely necessary because they’re generally more flavourful and less mealy. But summer tomatoes are at the markets and I bought $11 worth of them this weekend. Caprese salad the size of my head was my first use, but another favourite is this recipe: because not cooking them retains all their lovely summer smell/taste.

    2. outdoor yoga. we’ve got a few free yoga-in-the-park classes and somehow it just makes yoga even better than it already is.

    3. Rosè wine. crap that is three summer things but I spent 5 minutes trying to come up with a non-seasonal love and I got nothing at the moment. Sorry!

  18. Contempo Studio 5 years ago

    very interesting and informative post. thank you for sharing this article with us.


  1. […] I can’t really remember, I was in a blissful beef coma. We cooked it in our Sous Vide first (details here) and then seared the outside in a fry pan but you can BBQ it or roast it too. We popped a few […]

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