Be your best self.

The 2014 Liebster Awards

The 2014 Liebster Awards
Carly Jacobs

I got an email from my mates Mr and Mrs Romance last week saying they had nominated me for the 2014 Liebster Awards which is super awes0me and lovely of them.

Basically it’s like a chain meme that you pass on and answer the questions from the person who nominated you. Then you write your own questions and nominate 10 bloggers to pass it on. It’s an awesome way to give a shout out to other bloggers and introduce them to your readers. Here are my answers for the Romances questions.

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Would you rather: be stuck in a prison cell for a year with someone who talked incessantly day and night or someone who said nothing but stared at you all the time – as in they’re sitting at the end of your bed when you wake up?

I think I’d go with the stare-er. I’d eventually get used to her and it would be quite nice to have someone always looking over me. Like a non-transparent and possibly useful ghost? Stopping mice from running over my face in the middle of the night and all that lovely stuff. 

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If you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Sushi? That way I’ve got my carbs, veggies, essential fats and proteins… but then I won’t have any wine so maybe wine? Wine has nutrients. Let’s go with wine. 

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What’s your greatest fear?

Failure and creatures of the undead crawling out of the television. 

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When was the last time you had a good belly laugh?

Last week with my bestie. We’re both actors and when we’ve had a few drinks we do ‘bits’ on each other. Last week she was this crusty old man with no teeth who kept trying to come on to me. He kept asking to ‘see my stockings’. I laughed until I couldn’t breathe. She cracks me up. 

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What’s your earliest memory?

I can remember the second house I lived in but all I can remember is throwing up after eating tacos in the living room. I had a magical childhood. 

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How did your parents meet?

My auntie was mates with my dad and she brought him home one afternoon to hang out. Apparently my dad walked in the door and saw my mother standing there (and I quote) ‘Wearing a see-through white kaftan with no bra and glasses.’ He was 15 and my mum was 16 and they’ve been together ever since. 

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What’s your favourite meal to cook when you’ve got the place to yourself for the evening?


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Have you ever broken a bone? If so, what happened?

Never broken a bone because I worry a lot and the worrying distracts me from activities that might potentially make broken bones happen and that’s why I’m going to need Botox to correct my permanently furrowed brow. 

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Who did you have your first kiss with… and was it any good?

My first kiss was at a Marist Disco in about 1998 which I’m sure is where most girls my age from Canberra had their first kiss. I want to say his name was Alex… but I might be making that up to make myself sound like less of a harlot. I actually can’t remember what he even looked like. I just remember it being extremely wet. 

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What do you have planned for your retirement?

Well I had a big old plan to sleep a lot in my retirement but then I read somewhere that the older you get, the less sleep you need so that plan is completely redundant. Now I’m thinking I’ll become a grey haired recluse and write erotic fiction. The children in the street will call me Old Lady Smaggle and there’ll be all these rumours that I have jars of dead gold-fish in my pantry. I’ll sit on my porch drinking gin in the evenings and I might even have an awesome pet parrot that talks. The kind of pet parrot that won’t eat my face when I die. That’s a very important prerequisite. 

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coffee, laptop on wood floor with flower


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1. Do you have a favourite mug? What happens if someone else uses it?

2. If you were going to audition for The X Factor (or other such competitive reality singing show) what would your power song be?

3. Is there anyone that you would erase from your memory like in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind?

4. What’s your spirit animal and why? (Or for Potter-heads what would your Patronus be?)

5. What’s your favourite quote?

6. Would you rather eat a spider or have sex with Fat Bastard?

7. Which celebrity would play you in a movie?

8. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever smelled?

9. Name three things in your fridge.

10. It’s time for dessert and you can have ANYTHING – what do you have?

Here are my nominees…

2014 Liebster Award Smaggle Nominees

Tahlia Meredith 

I Spy Plum Pie

Blonde Ink

Cara Phillips

Closet Voyage 

Heat Storm 


Ink and Leathers

Tamsin Howse

I’m saving the last spot for anyone who wants to play. If you have a blog and you’d like to play along just copy and paste the questions and let me know you’ve posted them.

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Even if you don’t have a blog and you’d like to play just pop the questions in the comments and answer away!


  1. Cooker and a Looker 10 years ago

    I’m new around here Carly, but I’m excited to have found a kindred worried harlot. I’ll be back. x

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      Ha! Awesome! You’re welcome any time lovey. xxx

  2. Liz @ I Spy Plum Pie 10 years ago

    Oh hey there lovely, thanks for the nomination! Looking forward to answering your questions!

  3. I love your answers! Your old lady Smaggle books would be best-sellers I’m sure xx

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      They’d probably be quite gross to be honest…

      • Romance novels for 2014..

        “Reginald drew his quivering member from his shorts with lusty growls and waggled it at Adrian; she sighed, waving her hands at her computer, wishing he could understand she was about to be outbid on the most perfect matching lamps for their bedside.”

  4. Tahlia Meredith 10 years ago

    Oh, cheeky! Although I was floundering for something to post this week…and I did find myself answering the questions as I read them. Well played, Smags 🙂

  5. Thank you lady! xo

  6. Kara 10 years ago

    I’m gonna answer these questions anyway cause your post was a hoot to read!

    1. Do you have a favourite mug? What happens if someone else uses it?
    Yes- it’s being stored though because our mugs and glasses are all squished in a cupboard so I’d be devo if it got smashed! I’ll bring it out later when there’s more room in the house.

    2. If you were going to audition for The X Factor (or other such competitive reality singing show) what would your power song be?
    The Rudimentals. Love love love.

    3. Is there anyone that you would erase from your memory like in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind?
    Not a person no, but I’d erase how I felt after some childhood trauma. It lead up to some health issues which I’m experiencing now.

    4. What’s your spirit animal and why? (Or for Potter-heads what would your Patronus be?)
    Pwoar, probably a bird. Because it’d be my chance to be free, fly, discover and embrace the world.

    5. What’s your favourite quote?
    😉 It’s favourite because nobody really knows about it.

    6. Would you rather eat a spider or have sex with Fat Bastard?
    I can’t say I know who Fat Bastard is.

    7. Which celebrity would play you in a movie?
    Maybe Pheobe from Friends because she has my sense of humour.

    8. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever smelled?
    Fish. I’m allergic so just the smell makes me want to throw up.

    9. Name three things in your fridge.
    Butter, lipton ice tea and homemade LCM bars.

    10. It’s time for dessert and you can have ANYTHING – what do you have?
    Cheesecake – either mars bar or something chocolatey! Nom nom nom.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      Ha awesome! We should totally be mates. I love Phoebe from Friends and LCM bars. Besties for life. Obviously.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      Oh and Fat Bastard is from Austin Powers!!!

  7. Alisa Muir 10 years ago

    1. Do you have a favourite mug? What happens if someone else uses it? I always have a few, then I get sick of them and buy another new one. Having a few means I don’t gain grey hairs when someone uses my mug as there is a backup. But lets just say the kids seem to know what mugs not to use.. I love big mugs and I do not lie.

    2. If you were going to audition for The X Factor (or other such competitive reality singing show) what would your power song be? I would never because my singing voice is crap. But.. mmmm… feck I don’t know. Right now my fav song is thinking out loud by Ed Sherran so I will pick that.

    3. Is there anyone that you would erase from your memory like in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind? Hmm.. there are a few I spitefully want to say yes about. BUT. Lets be honest, we learn something from everyone that passes through our lives, even if it is “some people suck”. Good life lesson right there.

    4. What’s your spirit animal and why? (Or for Potter-heads what would your Patronus be?) A bloody beautiful unicorn. Or maybe a really cool three headed dog called fluffy. lol

    5. What’s your favourite quote? Not all those who wander are lost (actually I have a heap of fav quotes, but right now this line in my fav poem is working for me).

    6. Would you rather eat a spider or have sex with Fat Bastard? Sex with fat bastard thanks very much. Less scary than spiders.

    7. Which celebrity would play you in a movie? Drew Barrymore. Used to get told I looked like her when I was a teen. Sadly have not been told that for a VERY long time.

    8. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever smelled? A fish filed wheelie bin. I moved into a rental and couldn’t figure out where this rank smell outside was coming from. it was wafing from the wheelie bin that had seafood smashed all through it. GAG. I made the landlord get it cleaned it was FOUL. GAG. Or maybe in the same rental the room that the previous tenants had locked their dog in the wardrobe in… it had feces all over the floor and walls and the urine from the dog had soaked into the wooden floor. GAG. Also professionally cleaned and the floor resealed. Sadly it took them over a month to actually get that done so we have a room we couldn’t use and a house with incense being burnt ALL.THE.TIME. ick.

    9. Name three things in your fridge. Pickles, chutney, cheese.

    10. It’s time for dessert and you can have ANYTHING – what do you have? Cheesecake or dessert pie. Mmm banoffee pie… mmmm passionfruit cheesecake. mmmmmmm dessert.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      Okay next time I run out of food I’m totally raiding your fridge. I also love big mugs. Mr Smags likes delicate little china cups. What a nancy. Gosh I love hearing about gross things. Thanks for sharing! x

  8. Your retirement answer made me laugh so hard – it’s beyond perfect!

    5. Fave quote: “The things you are passionate about are not random. They are your calling,” by Fabienne Fredrickson

    7. Which celebrity would play me in a movie: Jennifer Lawrence (though she’d have to shrink in the wash)

    10. Dessert: chocolate fondant please!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      Oh Jennifer Lawrence! Totally. You and Amalfi can come visit the gold fish you like? x

  9. Natalie 10 years ago

    Haha, oh man! The answer to your retirement question made me wake up my cat from laughing!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 10 years ago

      That’s literally what I plan to do in my retirement. I can’t wait.

  10. blondeinkaus 10 years ago

    Done! And so much fun! 🙂 Thanks for the nomination!


  1. The 2014 Liebster Awards | aprilahh 10 years ago

    […] Old Lady Smaggle has nominated myself and some of my other favourite bloggers – as she explains, you answer the questions from the person who nominated you, then you cook up a new bunch of questions and nominate 10 bloggers to pass it on. […]

  2. […] Round 1, from the delightful Carly at Smaggle: […]

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