Be your best self.

5 Reasons Why Life Is Better With A FitBit

5 Reasons Why Life Is Better With A FitBit
Carly Jacobs

f you’ve been reading Smags for a while you’ll know that I get very attached to my gadgets. I love my iPhone in an unholy way and I recently left my Kindle at the Chateau De Woog and consequently I feel like crying on my lunch break when I have to read a stinky 6 month old magazine instead of the latestย Paul B Kiddย serial killer biography.ย There’s one gadget though that has stolen my heart in a unprecdented fashion. Myย FitBit One. Mr Smaggle and I bought one for each other for Christmas 2 years ago and we haven’t left the house without them since. That’s a lie, we have left them at home accidentally on occasion and it’s pretty bleak. You won’t know sorrow until you’ve walked all day without your FitBit and you’ve wasted all those untracked steps. Here’s why FitBits are so bloody awesome and why you need one in your life – here’s my Fitbit review.

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It’s addictive

If I get home at the end of the day and I’ve only done 9000 steps, I’ll run around the house a few times to top it up. Walking 10,000 steps every day has become as routine as brushing my teeth now and I really feel yucky if I have a lazy day and I’ve only walked 2000 steps. I’ve gotten to the point where I crave hitting 10,000 steps because it just makes me feel better.

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You can compete with your friends

I have a list of friends who also have aย FitBit One, 2 of which walk to and from work together every single day so I really have to work hard to beat them each week. It’s such a brilliant incentive. I also have a reader mate on my list who lives in the US and she’s giving me quite a run for my money this week. If you have a competitive streak (like me!) this will be one of the best features to keep you on track.


Note – I asked everyone on this list if they minded me showing their profile pics and Nina wrote back saying I could show it if she was coming first. Well Nina, sorry love but you have to earn first place. GET WALKIN’.ย 

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It tracks everythingย 

It comes with a wrist band so you can wear it in bed and track how well you’re sleeping. The report looks like this.


You can also track your calories, weight, water intake and exercise (separate to steps). I have theย FitBit Ariaย scales and they sync with the app in my phone and record my weight wirelessly so I don’t even have to think about entering it. I don’t always track calories or my sleep but I always check my steps every day. It’s the most important measurement for my wellbeing.

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You learn lots of stuff about yourselfย 

You can see when you’ve had a bad nights sleep and you can try to figure out why. For instance my data shows that I sleep really badly on Sunday nights but I sleep really well on nights when I exerciseย early in the morning. This data is great because now I know to wind down early on Sundays and to exercise hard in the mornings when I’m having sleep issues. The pink lines are when I’m awake, the aqua lines are when I’m restless and the blue lines are when I’m properly asleep. The data on the sleep track image above shows an average nights sleep… this one represents a SUPER shithouse nights sleep.


You’ll also discover that you aren’t any where near as active as you think you are. When I was teaching, I was convinced that I was doing 10,000 steps every day and it was more like 7000. Humans are pretty good at self-flattering guestimations but the FitBit doesn’t lie.

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10,000 steps isn’t a magic number but it’s the best indicatorย 

The theory of walking 10,000 steps per day was discovered byย Dr. Catrine Tudor-Locke and was popularised in Japan. After years ofย extensiveย research Dr Tudor-Locke discovered that his patients who walked a minimum of 10,o00 steps every day were leaner, fitter, healthier and were predicted to live much longer than their sedentary counter parts. The trick with this data is that it was reliant on 10,000 steps every day. The data supports the steady longevity of 10,000 steps every day – it’s all about the consistency. It doesn’t work if you do 30,000 steps in one day 3000 on another.

Here’s what a good week looks like – you want to get a star on every day.


ย I have a Type A personality which means I’m a pain in the ass and I love rewards. These little stars bring me so much joy it’s actually a bit sad.

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It improves your health and quality of life

I’m 8kgs lighter now than I was when I first started using it. I’ve also been eating better and experimenting with different fitness and health plans but the data shows a steady and slow weight loss of 8kgs over 2 years and you can’t argue that walking 10,000 steps every day didn’t contribute to that.

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Get the FitBit One – I personally wouldn’t waste my time with an arm band.ย I’ve never witnessed ย anyone commit to wearing an arm band step tracker for a long period of time the way I’ve seen people commit to aย FitBit One. I had a cheap version of an arm band a few years ago and it was uncomfortable while I was typing, I would frequently forget to wear it and I also hated having to wear it on special occasions like weddings because I didn’t want to wear a whopping great rubber fitness band with my pretty dress. Theย FitBit Oneย clips in between my boobies to my bra or on the waist band of my pants and I never even know it’s there… unless I’m lying face down on the floor which I hardly ever do unless I’m doing a cobra at yoga… or cobra on the dance floor… or just lying down for no real reason.

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ย So these are my boobs… and my FitBit lives right there in between them. Like a lil’ hotdog all snuggly in a bun.

ย If you’re keen to buy one (and you just should it’s seriously the best $130 I’ve ever spent) here are a few places you can buy them. (Just FYI these are affiliate links but if you feel a bit weird about affiliate links I’ll pop a few affiliate-free links down the bottom.)


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FitBit Oneย fromย Rebel Sport

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Have you ever become totally addicted to a fitness device? Like you panic if you leave the house without it? .


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If youโ€™re keen on more health and fitness tips and general advice on how to win at life make sure you follow Smaggle onย Facebook,ย Twitter,ย Bloglovin,ย Instagramย and if youโ€™re really a keen bean you can sign up to theย Smaggle weekly newsletter.


  1. Nicole (@dorkabrain) 9 years ago

    I’m number one, I’m number one! haha : P Lucky for me, you caught me while on holiday where I’m walking absolutely everywhere. If you’d posted this a couple weeks earlier, I’d probably be last. I’m hoping all the energy will continue once I’m back home.
    I also love that you wrote this article. As you know, you were the last push I needed to go ahead and get a fitbit AND I got the One instead of the wristband because of you. So glad I did, It’s hidden nature works perfectly. I adore mine. There are definitely days where it’s the encouragement I need to do a little bit more.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      Totally true! I feel bad for Nina, she’s usually winning but she was away over the weekend and left her fitbit at home. She’s gutted! I’m SO glad you got the one instead of the flex. Nina’s parents actually bought her the flex and she went and returned it for the One! x

      • Nina 9 years ago

        Thank you Carly! It’s true! I get so pissed off when I forget it. But it’s a testament to how much I love my FitBit that I feel like I’m wasting my steps when I’m not wearing it! It fully ruins my day when I don’t have it.

      • Nicole (@dorkabrain) 9 years ago

        This article might of jinxed me haha I went out for breakfast and forgot to swap it from sports bra to regular bra! doh! At LEAST 2000 steps not recorded *shakes fist at myself*

  2. Christine 9 years ago

    The lady who runs the local deli got a wrist one for Mother’s Day this year. She was telling me how obsessed she was becoming with it. I have an addictive personality (that is a self diagnosis) and I am sure I would become totally obsessed with it. However, seriously thinking of putting on my Xmas list now. Such is the power of the blogger – use it wisely ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      Oh I do use it wisely! I never recommend anything unless I love it!

  3. Rachel Ann 9 years ago

    I have a Flex, and while I like it I also find it incredibly frustrating. I almost never hit 10K. I sit all day and I’m kind of tied to my desk. I know it’s terrible, but I don’t know how to fix it. Half my job is to answer the phone, so I can’t really leave my desk. I live too far away to do anything but drive to work, so I’m just stuck.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      Try parking your car a bit far away from work and walk there or spend your lunch break walking around! I really struggle now that I work for myself but I just prioritise walking – every where I possibly can!

  4. KellyNH 9 years ago

    I have the flex. I work in an office environment, but we have a fantastic boss who is big on health. She insists we all go for a walk every hour or so, and we stand more than sit. Ive converted my desk into a standing desk since having the flex, as I was shocked at how little I would move somedays, especially on a busy day at work.
    Im trying to shift a few kilos so it is a nice way to monitor how I am going (So far its successful!).
    I love the sleeptracker too. Its an insightful little gadget really :o)
    Somedays I think ‘Why do I feel so shit?’, then I check my sleep cycle and I can see why!!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      That’s totally it! I just love it, it’s been such a life changer for me. The sleep thing is great, I just recently got back into tracking my sleep and it’s brilliant!

  5. Oh man, I am so sold! Everything about this is something I want in my life. I love measuring stuff and I love rewards – even if it is a tiny electronic star. I am (was/am working back to being) a long distance runner and I bought the cheapest version of a Garmin I could a few months ago but it blows. This is something I could fall in love with. Because I work from home, I tend to not take many steps at all during the day – this could be just the motivation I need. I’m also strangely drawn to knowing about my sleep quality now too.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      If takes some getting used to and some nights I rip it off in my sleep but it’s so awesome to track that kind of stuff. Did you get the Garmen for heart rate training? I think there’s a new Fitbit that does heart rate too which is awesome, we have a Mio Link heart rate monitor that’s blue tooth and LED so you don’t have to wear a chest strap. It’s the best. Also I think the Apple Watch is going to have heart rate on it… so stay tuned for that!

  6. I’ve been contemplating one for a while now. Think you just convinced me to buy myself one for Christmas ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      Do it! Can’t recommend them highly enough. And I’ve had it for 2 full years and used it every day – that’s a hardcore recommendation there! x

  7. I’ve been umming and ahhing about the fitbit and you’ve just tipped me over the line! Go Smags x

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      You will become obsessed with it! Especially because you walk every day. It will also be great for your hashimotos because you can clock your behaviour and eating with how good you feel/sleep. We can be FitBit friends!

  8. workingwomenaus 9 years ago

    The only thing I don’t like about it is that it doesn’t give me props for PT sessions. On those days I have to work extra hard to reach my steps after being smashed by my PT ๐Ÿ˜‰ First World Problems and all that …

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      Yes it does! You have to enter extra exercise manually though… it won’t give you extra steps but it will show that you’ve burned extra calories!

  9. missellie13 9 years ago

    Oh yeah love my Fitbit One. I’ve had a Fitbit since July 2012 and hardly missed a moment wearing it. I clip mine in my bra too. It inspires me to do “laps” at home to get my steps up – either around my kitchen and hallway or in there courtyard. When I wasn’t working have a goal of at East 100 laps each day, as well as our regular 5km Wal with the dog every morning

    • missellie13 9 years ago

      F*cking iPad auto correct.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      I’m literally about to walk into the city to get lunch to ‘get my steps up’. It just becomes a daily habit doesn’t it?

      • Mardi 9 years ago

        I’m in New York at the moment and my steps are phenomenal! I did over 90k last week.

        • Author
          Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

          New York will do that to you! We covered ridiculous amounts of ground while in Thailand too.

  10. Liz @ I Spy Plum Pie 9 years ago

    So glad you wrote this! I’ve been thinking about getting one for ages but wasn’t sure which was the best way to go, but sounds like this might be it! I’ve been tracking my steps using the new iphone since I got it which is a good start, but it misses heaaaps of steps because I don’t generally carry it with me when I’m at home or work so the fitbit would give a much more accurate reading!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      Iphone step trackers don’t work for exactly that reason! I never even notice my fitbit it’s just become a thing that I wear every day. The fitbit is brilliant the only time I sometimes get stuck is if I change bras and forget to switch it over but you just become used to it after a while!

  11. Trish 9 years ago

    Love mine to bits too – but I only have the zip! I’ve been waiting to see what the new ones coming out were before I upgraded as I want the sleep tracker too – I think I will change my Christmas list now! Also did you know that 10000 steps a day gets you $10 worth of flybuys points a day depending on your healthfund…

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      No way! I’m totally looking that up that’s awesome! I’m with NIB… I wonder if they accept them?

  12. Mystery Case 9 years ago

    I ended up going with the Jawbone Up over the fitbit only because I wanted one for my wrist and it was a much better fit. I’m trying to find a team, to start challenges with but it seems everyone else is using fitbits.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      Oh that sucks! The Jawbone wrist ones are gorgeous though… we almost bought them before FitBits came out but they got recalled right before we bought them so we got fitbits instead.

  13. jacqbl 9 years ago

    They sound fab, Carly. Do you think it would be a good xmas pres for a male? Where would they be able to tie it on to wear it every day, comfortably?

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      Mr Smaggle clips it onto his pants! They’re super comfortable you won’t even know they’re there!

  14. I’m intrigued. I have the Jawbone Up and I do love it, the design is much nicer than some of the other wristband ones. I like the idea of the FitBit, but I don’t think it would work for me as I wouldn’t be able to track my sleep (I like sleeping au natural – possibly TMI). I did lose the charger for my Up for a little while there and recently found it so I have reignited my love for it.
    My daily steps are terrible! I need to start walking during my lunch break again.

  15. Author
    Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

    I love the Jawbones the designs are gorgeous – I almost got one but they got recalled right before we were about to buy them so we got the fitbit instead. I can track your sleep – it has a soft wrist band!

  16. 26 Years and Counting 9 years ago

    I’ve actually been wondering about buying one of these to give more data to my husband’s doctor – does it track heart rate throughout the day?

  17. kate 9 years ago

    I have been thinking about getting one for myself for ages, but it’s only just occurred to me that hubby would love one too! Christmas presents sorted! Thanks luv! This was a fab, perfectly timed post!

  18. I’ve been wanting one of these for ages, and this has totes persuaded me. The only think, I was thinking is where do you put your bit if you sleep starkers?

  19. I love my fitbit equally as much. And I love that I can clip it to my bra and no one knows that it’s there. Except they do because all I ever talk about is my steps!

  20. Jeanie 9 years ago

    I was reading your recent post “How To Not Feel Like Crap At The End Of Your Work Day’. I’m fed up with feeling tired and drowsy ALL the time. My bed hours are often late nights (like 3am) followed by lots of sleeping in. I wish I woke earlier and went for a morning walk, followed by a productive day then a restful night. I’d been ‘trying’ to start this new habit for two weeks with no success.

    Was the Fitbit One the kick in the bum I needed? I hope so, after reading this I decided I too love me some gadgets, so I bought one. I was in bed by 10:30 last night. Up at 7:50am (big improvement). And out walking by 10am. Woot! Gadget for the win. I hadn’t heard of them before, thanks for the introduction. My Garmin watch is a little lonely and sad, but hey if it takes a shiny new gadget to get me on track, so be it.

  21. Daniel Schmidt 9 years ago

    I just got the Fitbit Charge HR a couple weekends ago… It’s crazy but I completely know everything you talked about in your article!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I am an operations manager at UPS and it’s soooo addicting and we have a little Fitbit club inside our workplace since we all walk alot and see how we do against each other ๐Ÿ™‚ I love the wristband because it doubles as my watch and I love being able to see my progress on my wrist and it also monitors heart rate and sleeping heart rate and stuff… But a wristband isn’t for everyone I guess. Everyone at UPS has the Charge HR and I would completely recommend it I LOVE LOVE LOVE mine… But it’s great Fitbit makes a Fitbit for everyone ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks for sharing ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. Frumoy 9 years ago

    Hi Carly, I know that you wrote this article ages ago, but I bought a Flex a week ago, found out I could stuff the tracker in my bra, lost it because there was no clip and had to go out the same day and replace it with a One because of having come across this page. I really agree with you about the benefits of a One over a Flex, and now it’s not a Fitbit, it’s a Titbit, cos I too made it’s home between my boobs ๐Ÿ˜€

  23. Oktay 5 years ago

    I think the reality is that life is better when you exercise regularly, and having a Fitbit helps you do that. The Fitbit part isn’t really necessary, but if that’s what it takes to get you up and moving, then… I mean it’s a small price to pay. And tracking your steps is kind of fun anyway.


  1. […] an article last year about how my life has totally changed since I bought a Fitbit and that fact remains true. I wore my gorgeous little Fitbit One nestled snuggly in between by […]

  2. […] been using a FitBit pedometer religiously for two years which I’ve just replaced with an Apple Watch. Step […]

  3. 9 Reasons Why You Feel Tired All The Time - Smaggle 8 years ago

    […] only make you more tired. Iโ€™ve been using a step tracker for about 3 years now (I started with a FitBit and now I have the Apple Watch) and itโ€™s totally changed my life. I always do my 10,000 steps […]

  4. […] help you learn so much about yourself. For example, Carly Jacobs said, “I was convinced that I was doing 10,000 steps every day and it was more like […]

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