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What’s Your Biggest Irrational Fear?

What’s Your Biggest Irrational Fear?
Carly Jacobs

I’m an extremely practical person and I can usually talk myself out of any crazy head space I find myself in but there are a few things I haven’t quite conquered yet and I’m beginning to wonder if I ever will. Here’s a list of my (incredibly embarrassing) irrational fears.

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I do not like mirrors in the dark. Rationally, I know that they are no different to a highly reflective wall but that doesn’t stop me from imagining the dark creatures of the undead that surely lurk within. No matter how old I get, I’ve never been able to look at myself in the mirror in the dark and I probably never will.

Dead things

I literally scream and run away. I hate all dead things, even things that used to be cute. If something cute dies, it becomes repulsive to me immediately. Some people find beauty in dead animals but they just make my skin crawl. Take yesterday for instance, I nearly stepped on a dead pigeon in the gutter that had its neck all twisted around and it was staring at me like it was trying to suck my soul out through my eyes. Mr Smaggle (who is very aware of my dead thing phobia) quickly grabbed me and swooped me under his arm before I ran into the traffic like a lunatic. I’m fine (well as fine as you can be) with death in general and although I’ve never seen a dead human body, I’m sure I’d be okay with that. I’m also quite fine with dead animals that are intended for food and I’ve even scaled fish and plucked chickens. It’s more that unexpected mangled dead rat outside my front door situation that really creeps me out.

My eyelids or nostrils getting stretched really far

In a group sport situation, I’m always terrified of someone else accidentally hooking their fingers on my nose or eyelids in a moment of ball defense or whatever and stretching them out really far. I get that I’m not Bugs Bunny and that I don’t live in an episode of Looney Tunes but I’ve been terrified of this happening to me since I was about 5 and it might be a contributing factor in my avoidance of playing team sports.

a beautiful vintage mirror

Missing flights

The worst thing that could happen from missing a flight is having to pay for a new one and maybe missing an important meeting or a wedding. I admit those things are pretty rough but the way I behave when I’m running late for a flight, anyone would think that I was running against a bomb timer. I’ve also never, ever missed a flight ever. So I just don’t understand the self-inflicted anxiety I put myself through when the Sky Bus is 10 minutes late.

Fishing rods

If I’m walking past someone who is fishing, I’m 99% convinced the I’m going to lose an eyeball or a chunk of flesh to a fish-hook.

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What about you? Do you have any irrational fears? Like glitter? Or peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth?


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  1. Sammie @ The Annoyed Thyroid 9 years ago

    I’ve got one about injuries, or blood or wounds, no matter how big or small, they send me into a quivering, heaving mess. Even after my own surgery, I couldn’t even look at, let alone dress my wound, and it was miniscule! I’ve also got a thing about home invasions, even though my apartment is like Fort Knox. What can I say? I have a very vivid imagination! Oh and mice (and rats.) We lived in an old flat in London and it was like the mice house. They always used to run past when I was on the loo and they totally freaked me out. I should never have read “The Rats” when I was younger. It scarred me for life!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      I’m not overly fond of blood… I’m okay if it’s not mine or I’m not the cause of it… apart from that, I’m a mess!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      Oh god yes! I hate rats and mice – they’ve started poisoning rats in Fitzroy (i think…) because they’re everywhere and dead and gross. *shudder*

  2. Anna Buckley 9 years ago

    Missing the flight…and the dead things, cute one minute, creepy the next!
    And of course clowns and the fat man in red…”Hey kids guess who mummy and daddy is letting into the house tonight!”
    But keep those images out of your head…think instead of Bing singing ‘Let it Snow’ and have a happy, hot Australian Christmas.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      Oh god yes. Clowns are horrific. Why anyone would get a clown for their kid’s birthday is beyond me.

  3. Christine 9 years ago

    Well, thanks for that, my lovely. A whole boatload of new irrational fears to add to my list. Snake coming up the toilet – my very first fear, I think. As an adult I try and block it out – cos – hey, going to the loo is not an uncommon event. If I didnt I’d be a blithering mess. Also running out – of anything. Weird, given the lifestyle we enjoy here, but that’s exactly what it is – illogical, irrational. Xx

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      Ha ha ha! Totally! Oh anything coming out of the toilet is horrendous… the toilet in general is pretty scary. I had constipation issues as a kid because I was too damn scared to sit on the damn thing for longer than a wee amount of time.

  4. Vanessa 9 years ago

    HILLS! I can’t drive up some hills. I shake and stop driving. I’ve been trying to work out what it is – some I’m ok with and other’s I’m really, really not ok with. I wonder if it’s familiarity. I need to take lessons to get over it.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      Oh my god my mum is like that! Driving up hills or steep driveways totally freaks her out! Especially in the rain!

  5. Kelly NH 9 years ago

    I totally agree with the mirror thing. Too many Bloody Mary & Candy Man stories for me not to be freaked out!!
    I hate clowns, and spiders (the spider thing is very rational though…) My son hates people dressed up as things (ie Santa, Easter Bunny), Im probably not far behind him in that fear. Dream World nearly did his head in :o)
    As for your sporting phobia, one of the girls I work with here lost nearly a whole eyes worth of eyelashes when another players hand smacked her eye while playing basketball. They just got ripped right out. Creepy :o\
    Im scared of closing my eyes in the shower, then opening them and having someone staring back at me.
    Also uncovered windows at night. I get freaked out that someone / something is looking in at me. Ugh

  6. Author
    Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

    Bloody mary is the actual worst… and dressed up things! Yes! I never quite trust people in costumes… oh whoa we’re totally twins! I have the closing my eyes in the shower phobia too!!! WEird!!!

  7. Helen Edwards 9 years ago

    ok, scary dolls, the dark (pitch black dark), under the bed when it is dark, windows at night time when the blinds are up and you go to shut them (goes back to a pervert shoving his face against it just as I pulled the blind down when I was a little girl), huntsmen spiders, gastro (well as I have type 1 diabetes this is not really that irrational) and therefore shopping trolley handles – those things are germ PITS.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      Oh yes! Pitch black dark! Good one! That pervert story is horrific! That’s not an irrational fear for you it’s a trauma fear!

  8. merilyn 9 years ago

    I was laughing when I was reading your post smags!
    but it’s no fun for the anxious! … I know that!
    my main fear is s….. can’t write it even!
    public speaking because I’m an introvert! and don’t like talking much!
    clowns are awful! and father Christmas is freaky!
    what if’s loom rather too large for me! I have to calm myself down with lots of scenarios!
    do you still like me? it’s ok if you don’t! we all might need serious therapy! lots of love m:)X

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      Ha! You’re gorgeous! I know a few people who are terrified of public speaking – I love it!

  9. Bec 9 years ago

    YES TO FISHING RODS OMG. I can’t even walk near/behind one when a friend is fishing I make them promise they wont move it and its horrifying. Also, bananas. I am phobic, petrified. I hold my breath when I walk past them in the supermarket, gag when I get a whiff of someone eating one on a train and my worst nightmare (which has happened) is being on a plane and sitting next to someone eating one. DONT. It makes my heart race like mad and I am just repulsed, it’s very inconvenient.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      Wow I think you win on the banana thing… wonder where that came from? Does anyone in your family have the same thing?

  10. hailz 9 years ago

    Moths! Ew ew ew. I’d rather a spider.

  11. emmabovary 9 years ago

    fishing rod is so not irrational, even thinking about being on a pier with a fishermanperson gives me the heebie jeebies!!!! they would rip flesh out in the worst way!! I am showing husband this post to prove I’m not crazy, based on the fact that you agree with me 🙂

  12. Ant Kaplan 9 years ago

    My biggest irrational fear is having a high-powered hand dryer explode. They are all chest / just-below-the-check-height, which is a critical area in an explosion. Also thing of how fast the metal bits inside said high-powered hand dryers are spinning… One small explosion is all it takes to wreck a life.

    I have another small, irrational fear, and that is being cut in half by an elevator collapsing as I step out of it.


  1. […] in the sink. A teeny, tiny one. I don’t know if you know this but I’m really not very good with dead things so I was very impressed with myself as I calmly went to the bedroom to inform Mr Smaggle that there […]

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