Be your best self.

5 Things I Know About Life

5 Things I Know About Life
Carly Jacobs

ometimes I get a wee bit sentimental around these parts. It usually happens when I’m pre-menstrual or I miss another of my nieces birthdays and both of those things are happening this week so I’m handing you an emotion sandwich today. One of my favourite Facebook pages is Human’s of New York because every day I get to meet an awesome new person and get some killer life advice from very wise people. I thought I’d take advantage of my usually nostalgic state this week and knock together a little list of the 5 things I know about life…

5 things I know about life

1. The world doesn’t give a shit about you

It’s really harsh but it’s totally true. Some people have it far worse than others and some people have it far, far worse than others but it doesn’t matter. The world, on the whole has no interest at all in what you’re doing. It seems like a negative thought, but I find it so freeing. Like if I have a bad day and I feel like a giant bag of garbage, I just remind myself that no one else cares and it makes me care a lot less and focus on better stuff. It’s also an excellent reminder to not sit around and wait for the world to hand you an amazing life. You have to seek it out yourself.

2. Little happy moments are golden

When I look back on my life the things that make me feel all warm fuzzy are teeny tiny moments. Lying in the sun in New Zealand in a camper van with Mr Smaggle on our first holiday away together and feeling the most peace I’d ever felt in my life at that point. Gathering my cousins every Christmas to crowd around my sleeping grandfather to take the annual Poppy Is Asleep And Everyone Else Is Awake photo. Every single time I’ve been asked to be a bridesmaid. Watching hours of Judge Judy with my dad. Drinking all the wine with my mum. Every thing my niece has ever done, ever. I can’t recall the feelings I’ve felt when big exciting things happen but these little snippets sometimes pop into my mind and they’re just delightful. It also reminds me to remember beautiful moments when I’m in them now.

3. Dicks are dicks

You really, actually can’t change people. I’m pretty lucky and I learned this early on but it pains me to see so many people persevering with awful relationships and friendships with people who are just objectively and consistently unpleasant. No one is perfect all the time and sometimes people accidentally hurt you or go through rough times and that’s totally fine. However some people are dicks and as far as I’m concerned they can be dicks very, very far away from me.

4. If you want people to pay you to do stuff you have to do it well

I’ve only been fired once in my life but it totally wounded me. I was teaching little kids fitness classes at the YMCA. I was a teenager, incredibly inexperienced and totally unqualified to deal with a room full of screaming two year olds. I was heartbroken and thought I was really hard done by but my business owner parents explained to me that employees don’t have the time and money to hang around and pay you to be bad at something until you (hopefully) get good at it. You have to deliver first. It’s always stayed with me and it’s made me a bloody good employee. Even if I’m doing a job I don’t love, I do it well because someone is paying me to do it and if I don’t give them a decent return on their investment, they’ll invest elsewhere.

5. Love is, actually, everywhere

Despite the drippy sentiment smeared all over this post, I’m not actually a very touchy, feely kind of person. I like to bury my feelings deep inside where no one will ever find them and I cry like once every three years if that. I’m a little bit dead inside. However as time passes, I’m getting better at letting love happen and not ignoring it. I say ‘I love you.’ all the time to people I love now – my friends, my family – because you don’t actually have that much time to tell people that. I say it several times a day and it’s really rather lovely.

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What do you know about life? Care to share a few truths?


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P.S If you want more awesome tips on how to rock at life sign up to the Smaggle newsletter or like Smags on Facebook. I don’t want to you getting all FOMO on me…


  1. Lisa Mckenzie 9 years ago

    Love this Carly and so true Thankyou

  2. Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes! x

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      They’re pretty simple truths but quite universal! 🙂

  3. Vicki Wallis 9 years ago

    Yes so true Carly. Thank you for sharing. V x

  4. merilyn 9 years ago

    so true thankyou smags!
    the getting of wisdom is a good thing!
    but applying it is even better!
    you are lovely! … it’s a warm fuzzy!
    love m:)X

  5. Jo 9 years ago

    Such a beautiful heartfelt post. I koved it 🙂

  6. The acceptance of dickery is a real thing. Luckily I don’t have too many around that I need to deal with on a personal level but I know a lot of people struggle, especially when related to them by blood. Accept that you don’t have to like them and move past, it’s the only way.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      That’s totally it. I think some people get bogged down in the concept that people can change and sometimes they just can’t.

  7. Louisa 9 years ago

    i think we might actually be the same person x

  8. Cilla 9 years ago

    Yes to all the above. Here are mine:

    1. Trust your gut.
    2. Nobody else knows what they are doing either
    3. Perfect is the enemy of good enough.
    4. You are only indispensable to your loved ones.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      Yes! All the number 4 right there – some people totally over value themselves and it’s really fine line.

  9. Love the little happy moments!
    Also I use the nobody cares excuse all the time as a pick me up…its amazing how much it can make you feel better and get on with life!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      It’s such a weird positive/negative thing isn’t it?

  10. KezUnprepared 9 years ago

    All of this is just so perfect. Lovely.

  11. And it’s never too late to start something, or let something go! Love this post x

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      Definitely never too late to start something!

  12. Danielle Armstrong 9 years ago

    Yes!! I think this is a great post, especially point 3. I have accepted unacceptable behaviour in the past, it’s hard to let go, but very necessary.

  13. Paula 9 years ago

    I wish more parents would teach their children number four. I work in retail and we hire a lot of younger people who just don’t grasp this concept.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs-Smaggle 9 years ago

      It’s exactly right! Some people have such a huge sense of entitlement it’s mind blowing. I once worked with someone who wanted a promotion so she could get more money and never got promoted because she sucked at her job and her philosophy was that she’d been there the longest so she deserved. It was bizarre.

  14. Bec 9 years ago

    Love this. Especially the ‘world doesn’t give a shit about you’ one, I have a similar philosophy about knowing I’m not an individual and not caring. There are so many other 20-something girls that like all the things I like and have all the same worries I have. Rather than fret I’m not an individual I kind of take comfort in mediocrity. They have the same hurdles so I don’t spend too long thinking mine are insurmountable… I can’t think of a way to not make that sound incredibly depressing!

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