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5 Miracle Products That Totally Saved My Ass

5 Miracle Products That Totally Saved My Ass
Carly Jacobs

few weeks ago, I was really, really sick and I felt like balls. Sweaty, trembling, achy, shaky balls. I’d been fighting a cold for the better part of a week and but it hit me super hard. It was one of those weeks. You know, those weeks? Where one day everything is going right and you feel like such a life winner and then the next day is dreadful and you’re wondering where the yesterday ‘you’ went and if she was even real. I thought I’d share a few products that really helped me get through simple tasks like eating dinner, without face-planting into my stir fry. Here are 5 miracle products that totally saved my ass over winter…

miracle products

Betadine Throat Gargle

I just mix a little with water in the medicine cup it comes with, gargle and it clears out my gunky throat instantly. Just be super careful not to swallow. It can bring on the type of coughing fit that will really give your pelvic floor a run for it’s money.

Olive Leaf Extract

I’m not entirely convinced that it makes that much of a difference but there’s a lovely placebo effect that takes place when I chug back a mouthful of this elixir. It just feels like it does good stuff you know? Like dark chocolate.


A friend of mine recommended this when I told her about my utter devotion to Spray Tish and how difficult I find it in winter to not just attach a pump pack of it directly to my nose when I have a cold. Decongestants are scarily addictive but Fess is made from a saline solution so you can use it as often as you like. It’s perfect for in between hard core nasal sprays or if you’re trying to kick the spray habit at the end of your cold.


I’m a huge Lemsip lover but sometimes I feel as if I stand alone. Lemsip seems to be like coriander; you either love it or hate it. I’m a huge fan of a piping hot Lemsip right before I got to bed. It clears out my head and nose and if I’m feeling a little cheeky, I’ll add a splash of whisky and honey for a super easy hot toddy.

Hard Core Chemist Cold and Flu Tablets

I’m not loyal to any particular brand but if I’m feeling really, really crap there’s nothing like a $15 plus box of hardcore chemist cold and flu tablets. The supermarket brands just never seem to hit the spot. The night time chemist tablets are amazing and usually knock me out cold.

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What about you? What are your must have cold and flu essentials? Also… do you love or loathe Lemsip?


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  1. Christine 9 years ago

    Spot on Carly. I’m a firm believer that a cold starts with the germs in the throat – so at the first little scratchy tickle I gargle throughout the day with antibacterial mouthwash. I also start knocking back the usual vitamin C, echinacea etc. That is usually enough to stop it taking hold. But if it progresses to the sneezing stage I take antihistamine. If it all fails Plan B is PE tablets from chemist and nasal spray. Glad you’re feeling better. Xx

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      Oh totally! When my throat gets all scratchy and gunky, I’m on it immediately! I just load myself up full of vitamins.

  2. cathymk 9 years ago

    I really like the idea of adding whiskey to your lemsip! Thanks for the tip. I’ve just picked up a little cold on my flight back to Perth (always seem to get them when I’ve travelled).

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      Oh it’s so good! Totally helps you sleep as well.

  3. Anna Buckley 9 years ago

    Spray Tish is my dirty little secret too! Will take note of saline spray Doctor Smaggle. x

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      I have to piggy back my Spray Tish with Fess otherwise I’d be a total junkie!

  4. I love Lemsip’s remedial properties but the taste kills me. I’m also a fan of proper cold and flu tablets and have the chemists who dispense pseudoephedrine-based ones without subjecting you to a criminal investigation on lock. None of that weak phenylephedrine for me!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      I adore the taste! I think I’m just a medicine freak… I’d legit have Lemsip even if I wasn’t sick.

  5. Tracey Jay 9 years ago

    Betadine gargle is always in my medicine cabinet as well as pseudoephedrine cold and flu tabs. Have never tried Lemsip …will test it out 🙂

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      I slam through so much Betadine throat gargle when I’m sick – I think Mr Smags and I went through three bottles in our sickest week!

  6. Dee 9 years ago

    Love the Betadine too! I’m also with you on pharmacy cold and flu tablets.

    Probably my favourite thing is my Vicks Vaporizer. My parents always had one when were growing up and when I went away to uni I found myself investing in one after getting really sick. It really helps you sleep.

    • Dee 9 years ago

      Lemsip? It’s okay – I used to hate it but I can suck it up and deal with it if I really feel I need to.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      It has to be the hard core ones. The supermarket ones suck! We have a humidifier which really helps. Melbourne is quite dry so it’s good to have some moisture in the air.

  7. Theresa 9 years ago

    Hey Carly, I’m not a fan of lemsip but I do love to drink my liquorice legs tea from T2 as we find that helps when a sore throat is coming on.

  8. Kathryn 9 years ago

    For sore throats, I’ve always used a salt water gargle. It kills it dead. Plus you pretty much always have salt in the cupboard.

    I think the trick with cold and flu meds is to only take them in dire emergencies. I know a few people who pop them like candy at the first sign of a cold and then complain because they aren’t very effective. They work a treat on me because I take them maybe once a year at most for ‘if I don’t do this thing, it’s going to negatively impact on my life’ situations.

  9. theplumbette 9 years ago

    Lemsip is the only thing Jacob uses when he has a cold because he can’t swallow tablets. I’m hoping you feel better now? Xxx

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