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5 Very Weird Yet Highly Effective Ways To Get Happy Quickly

5 Very Weird Yet Highly Effective Ways To Get Happy Quickly
Carly Jacobs

adore reading posts about how to feel happier but most of them make fairly similar suggestions like going for a walk or doing some meditation. Which are both brilliant suggestions, and ones I’ve made several times myself but sometimes you just want that stupid, giddy, little kid, spinning around in a circle until you fall down kind of level of happiness. Here are a few ways I’ve found recently to get happy quickly… I hope you find the time to do one (or all!) of these today.

get happy quickly

Sing A Duet With Yourself in The Shower

I quite like I Finally Found Someone with Bryan Adams and Barbra Streisand, The Elephant Love Medley from Moulin Rouge and obviously the Confrontation from Les Mis with Valjean and Javert. Take it really seriously. It won’t work if you go all pansy on it. Feel the music my friend. Feel the music. 

Play A Hand Clapping Game Like You Did In Primary School

Down by the banks of the hanky panky,

Where the bullfrogs jump from bank to banky, 

With a hip and a hop and belly flop, 

Leaps off a lily pad and goes KER-PLOP!

Guaranteed super happiness. If you’re at work, find someone who knows the rhyme of your choice and smash it out. It will make you feel magical.

Have a conversation with someone without allowing your own lips to touch

This one is brilliant, particularly if you have kids. It will keep them totally occupied and in hysterics for at least the length of a 10 minute car ride. You’re welcome.

Wear novelty Hulk hands

… and make sure you get a spare pair for a friend. Pop a bike helmet on your noggins. Belt the crap out of each other. A work colleague of mine and I did this at a special needs school I taught at a few years ago (after the students had gone home of course) and I laughed so hard I thought I was going to stop living. Highly recommended. Although for obvious reasons buy the foam Hulk hands… not the plastic ones.

Go through the car wash

When was the last time you went through a car wash? Do yourself a favour and take a ten minutes for yourself on your way home sometime this week. Don’t look at your phone, don’t listen to music, just let the car wash do it’s therapy on you. Best. Ever.

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What’s your secret recipe for a quick and dirty dose of happy?


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  1. Steph Allen 9 years ago

    I find making myself smile, even if you force a really fake one, actually makes me feel a bit better instantly. It sounds stupid but it works.
    The talking without your lips touching is too funny. It reminds me of a game my family used to play at the dinner table sometimes. We called it Mrs Mubble. Its the opposite of what you said, you actually tuck your lips into your mouth so you look like a Muppet and say to the person next to you “excuse me, do you know where Mrs Mubble lives?” They respond (talking the same way) “no i don’t, but I’ll just go ask my neighbour”. Then they turn to the person on the other side of them and it repeats so on all the way around the table. The first person to laugh loses. It usually only gets through one or two people before this happens lol. Its ridiculous but hilarious lol.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      Yes! That’s a huge one! Ha! I love the idea of Mubble! If I was a teacher I’d get my kids to play it! 🙂

  2. Jasmine @ Pretty Chuffed 9 years ago

    Haha I absolutely love these. And thanks for the ‘no lips touching conversation game’ – I’m going to need that!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 9 years ago

      It’s hilarious. I love playing it after I’ve had a few wines. 🙂

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