Be your best self.

Questions Answered: Hair, Creativity and Job Pressures

Hello lovely one! Here are some more answers to my Ask Me Anything post. There are a lot of hair questions and I answered them as best I could but I’ll do some videos soon to supplement them. I’m thinking Chrissy and I should do some team curly hair posts – it seems to be a popular topic for curly gals! My best curly advice is to wash your hair as little as possible. The grottier my hair is, the better it looks. True story. Here’s this week’s question answers.

Peppermint Girl – What does creativity mean to you?

I actually think everyone is creative. I know that sounds super Little Miss Mary Sunshine but there’s creativity in everything, even things like science and maths. I truly believe that it’s difficult to harness creativity in the digital age though which is why I think most creativity is found in boredom. Like when you’re in the shower or stuck an airport for a long lay over and all your devices have run out of battery. There needs to be more boredom for creativity to flourish. I also think true creativity comes from love of your chosen medium. For example I don’t think anyone can be a great writer unless they truly love writing.

Jade – Hi Carly! I’m a freshman in college and I’m also brand new to the blogging world and have fallen in love with the idea of it. What would you tell a girl who is stuck as an undecided major who has a passion for creative writing and photography, but with the expectations to become something that doesn’t utilize those passions (i.e. teaching, nursing etc.) but are stable careers? Thanks so much!

I was the exact same person Jade! I was expected to get a good degree that would lead to a stable job so I got a teaching degree and taught for a few years. I always worked on my blog on the side and eventually I started earning enough money in my creative endeavours to make a living. If you care enough about your creative passions you’ll find a way to make them happen as a career, you’ll just have to work really hard at it. I have never regretted getting my teaching degree – in an unstable economy I’m very comforted by the fact that I have a useful degree in an area where there’s high demand. It doesn’t sound like a very sexy answer but it means you won’t end up in crippling debt pursuing a career that might not pay off.

Noelene – Sorry mines hair. It’s popular because I cannot control my curls they go where they want to go often not in a good way. I went to my hair dresser with your picture and asked for your shape but my head didn’t suit, so now I am short curly happy with that but can’t control the big curls how please?

I’ll do a video of this for you soon but I suggest twisting your hair into little curls and pinning them before you go to sleep and spray it with sea salt spray. It just kind of teaches the curls to sit where you want them to sit.

Rebecca – How do you tell a hairdresser they’ve done a sucky job? I am also a curly haired gal and can’t get a good cut to save my life!!!

I let my actions speak for me – I never go back! It’s pretty awkward because I live in a dense area that’s full of hairdressers and I’ve tried almost all of them (and ditched almost all of them!) so I run regularly run into hairdressers I haven’t returned to. Just keep trying – it’s really hard to find a good hairdresser when you have curly hair. I found my favourite hair dresser by asking a random girl in the street where she got her hair cut. Do that a lot!

Vehs – Do you feel a lot of pressure not having a conventional job – can you ever switch off?

I actually do feel a lot of pressure to constantly be communicating with people and churning out content but I’ve been doing it for so long it’s just part of my routine now. I try really hard to make sure I don’t work on weekends and I clock off and go screen free at 9pm every night. I also don’t take my phone into the bedroom at all anymore. I sleep so much better without my phone flashing next to me. It also helps me get up in the morning because my phone is in the lounge room and I have to get out of bed to turn off my alarm.

Have you ever broken up with a hairdresser? Did you tell them straight? Or just smoke bomb your way out of there?

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  1. Katherine 9 years ago

    One particular hairdresser comes to mind when you talk about breaking up. I have an engineer’s brain in that I like everything symmetrical and ordered. You can imagine my horror when, mid-haircut, my young, edgy-looking hairdresser tilted her head to one side and pronounced “It’s a bit experimental”. Luckily I have longish hair which is curly, so it covers a multitude of hairdressing mistakes. Still, I never went back. 🙂

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs-Smaggle 9 years ago

      I almost didn’t go back to my last one – she cut the worst fringe ever! But then it grew out and it looks quite good so I’m like ‘Whatevs!’

  2. Tahlia Meredith 9 years ago

    I love what you said about creativity! I say too often that “I’m not really a creative person” because I’m not artistic, and a client pointed out that problem solving requires creativity to find new solutions. Hurruh!


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